
Check out the Most popular websites in the world today

As the map above shows, Google is easily the world’s most popular site: ranked number 1 across North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and in parts of Africa and Asia. YouTube and Facebook are the next most popular sites. China’s Baidu is placed fourth. That’s because, according to the website, China has the world’s largest internet user population – 731 million as of December 2016. Wikipedia and Yahoo are next, and the Indian version of Google is in seventh place. This highlights the fact that the majority of internet use is driven by the search for information. We’re also interested in news. Reddit, the American social news aggregator, is in eighth place. While over half of its users are from the US, the British, Canadians, Australians and Germans like it too. Chinese instant messaging site QQ is in ninth place and Taobao in 10th. While most visitors are in China (89.3%), the sites also attract users from Japan, South Korea, the US and

You Wake Up Every Night At The Same Time? This Is What It Means

Every person has its own internal mechanisms and clocks that control both the work and function of the organs inside the body. According to Chinese medicine, our body dedicates different energies to different organs within the 24-hour cycle. In other words, if you wake up at the same time every night, it means that something is obstructing the energy in the body, both physically and spiritually, thus disrupting the natural balance of the body. This is why we will present you a list of wake-up times and their link to the body organs which will help you find the cause of your symptoms: 9 pm To 11 pm During this interval of time, the endocrine system restores its balance and the enzymes are refilling. The main function of the endocrine system is to control the metabolism and the hormones which means that if you wake up at this time, you probably consumed unhealthy food, had a heavy meal late in the day, anxiety or worries about the next day. 11 pm To 1 am At this time, the yin energy c

Top 10 Most Expensive Hollywood Movies Ever produced

They’re not necessarily the best ever made and it seems sometimes the quality of the movie is inversely proportional to its actual worth. But, chances are, you have seen at least half of the movies in this list in the theater. Adjusted for inflation, here are the top 10 most expensive movies ever made. 10.  King Kong  (2005) Director:  Peter Jackson Cost of production:  $250 million USD No stranger to behemoth budgets thanks to  Lord of the Rings , Jackson’s lavish take on the ’30s classic initially had a budget of $150 million, but it climbed higher and higher. Most of the money was spent on Kong himself. What’s more,  King Kong gradually became substantially longer than Universal had anticipated and the extra length (mostly due to special effects needed for a convincing 25-foot computer animated gorilla) increased the budget by a third. What else could you buy for that:  Over six Empire State buildings at $40,948,900 USD each to construct. 9.  Avatar  (2009)

4 most effective ways to make money online

Thanks to technology’s ‘ever-pervading penatration’ into every part of our lives and society, there are now ways to make money online, aside the traditional and conventional ways. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 4 effective ways to make money online. Doing Freelance Work You can pick up on some online freelance work to help you make money online, all you need to have is a skill to sell for freelance work. If you are writer, web designer or you have any other sellable skill, you can begin to sell your skill right away on social media platforms etc. If you don’t have a sellable skill, you can pick one up and develop on it till you become very good at it. Aside social media platforms, there are also many ‘freelance marketplaces’ online that you can take advantage of. These marketplaces are all designed with the aim of providing you with a place to sell your services and provide clients with a place to find good quality freelancers. Blogging This is a common wa


Synderesis "Synderesis" is a technical term from scholastic philosophy, signifying the innate principle in the moral consciousness of every person which directs the agent to good and restrains him from evil. It is first found in a singe passage of St. Jerome (d. 420) in his explanation of the four living creatures in Ezekiel's vision. Jerome explains that most commentators hold that the human, the lion, and the ox of the vision represent the rational, the irascible, and the appetitive (or concupiscent) parts of the soul, according to Plato's division, while the fourth figure, that of the eagle, represents a fourth part of the soul, above and outside these three: This the Greeks call synderesis, which spark of conscience was not extinguished from the breast of Adam when he was driven from Paradise. Through it, when overcome by pleasures or by anger, or even as sometimes deceived by a similitude of reason, we feel that we sin; ... and this in the scriptures is som

Ancient Greek Philosophy and philosophers

The Ancient Greek philosophers have played a pivotal role in the shaping of the western philosophical tradition. This article surveys the seminal works and ideas of key figures in the Ancient Greek philosophical tradition from the Presocratics to the Neoplatonists. It highlights their main philosophical concerns and the evolution in their thought from the sixth century BCE to the sixth century CE. The Ancient Greek philosophical tradition broke away from a mythological approach to explaining the world, and it initiated an approach based on reason and evidence. Initially concerned with explaining the entire cosmos, the Presocratic philosophers strived to identify its single underlying principle. Their theories were diverse and none achieved a consensus, yet their legacy was the initiation of the quest to identify underlying principles. This sparked a series of investigations into the limit and role of reason and of our sensory faculties, how knowledge is acquired and what knowled